


Brand :Maxtreme
Availability :In Stock
Package: 50 mg/tab. (100 tab.)
Substance: oxymetholone
  • A$157.59

Max-Drol by Maxtreme Pharma

Max-Drol is the strongest oral anabolic steroid. The name Max-Drol is a trademark of a whole group of drugs in which the main active ingredient is Oxymetholone. The names Anapolon and Anadrol belong to the same group of steroids. This drug is produced by the now popular brand, Maxtreme Pharma. At the same time the price of Anadrol remains quite affordable.

Oxymetholone is a powerful oral steroid with a low androgenic index. It is actively used for gaining muscle mass and often by professional athletes. The peculiarity of Oxymetholone is its fast action. If the cycle of Dianabol or Turinabol starts smoothly even at high dosages, then the use of Anadrol in a couple of hours produces effects.

Anadrol is often regarded as a more potent Methandienone with less liver damage and no risk of gynecomastia, due to its special chemical structure that does not undergo aromatization.

Advantages of Oxymetholone

  • Colossal anabolic activity (more than 300% of testosterone)
  • Moderately low androgenic index
  • Lack of aromatization (conversion to oestrogens)
  • Long effect on the body for an oral (6-8 hours)
  • Convenient tablet form
  • Moderate liver toxicity even at high dosages

If you decide to buy Oxymetholone, you need to remember that this drug accumulates water quite strongly due to overcompensation of muscle glycogen. It is also important to remember that despite the lack of aromatization, the drug itself has a mild progestogenic effect when your oestradiol level is high enough. That is why it is recommended to start an Anadrol cycle only after thorough weight loss, because the less subcutaneous fat, the lower the level of female hormones will be, including oestradiol. 

Effects of Anadrol

  • Fast and impressive muscle growth
  • Moderate phenomenon failure due to draining of the collected fluid
  • Good increase in strength characteristics
  • Pronounced pumping effect. Pumping during trainings for 12-15 repetitions becomes several times stronger
  • Effects on the DHT receptors and related body hair growth
  • Prolonged activity with a positive shift in nitrogen balance
  • Water retention and more pronounced accumulation of muscle glycogen
  • Muscle fullness and enhance nitrogen retention
  • Light fat burning effect, even in the abdominal area without specialized diets
  • Noticeable increase of muscle volume due to rapid muscle recovery, accumulation of water, glycogen and other factors.

How to take Anadrol tablets

Be sure to buy some testosterone esters for the cycle. In this case, you do not need to increase the dosage of Anadrol, which will save you from possible side effects. For most athletes, 50mg per day will be sufficient. Increasing the dosage will not give any special increases in results, and this has been proven by long-term practice of bodybuilders. In addition, it should be remembered that the body quickly gets used to the action of the drug. That is why it is advised that you buy Anadrol for a cycle lasting 5-6 weeks in duration and no more. A longer cycle is kept using the testosterone esters, but for Oxymetholone, this should be discontinued from the cycle at week 4 or 6. 

The most optimal cycle of taking Anadrol implies the off-season period, i.e. to gain a large size of muscle mass. In this case, we do not recommend that you use Oxymetholone solo. There are other oral medications available for solo cycles. The essence for taking Anadrol is a fast promotion of metabolism, protein synthesis and a corresponding increase in training productivity. As noted above, the effect of the active substance begins literally from the first days of administration.

Anadrol combined cycle

It would be wise to buy Anadrol for a long mass-recruiting cycle. In this case, Oxymetholone will become the first drug to enter the blood stream. With its help, you will dramatically start the anabolic processes and raise the bar to a new level. In this case, Anadrol must be combined with any testosterone ester. In many opinions, Testosterone Enanthate and Nandrolone are used for alongside for bulking cycles. Testosterone Propionate and Trenbolone will be used for cutting cycles. It should be noted that Oxymetholone is synergistic with other steroid drugs, in particular with testosterone. This is due to a decrease in the level of globulin that binds the sex hormones in the body. 

Anadrol side effects 

Due to frequent increases in dosages up to 150-200mg per day, athletes are faced with various side effects. The wrong cycle with a high percentage of subcutaneous fat in the body also contributes to the appearance of such problems. 

Contrary to popular belief, Anadrol does not have a huge range of negative effects. When used as part of the right testosterone cycle and the appropriate post cycle therapy, you can get a truly colossal increase in lean muscle mass. First, you will take it with water, which will merge after the drug is discontinued during PCT.

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